2025-02-04 15:56:50



山西人和醋有着深厚友情。山西做醋的历史大约有3O00年之久。北魏贾思勰在其名著《齐民要术》中总结的22种制醋法,有人考证认为就是山西人的酿造法。其中“作米酢法”便是“山西老陈醋”的酿制方法。到了清初顺治年间,介休出了一位“醋仙”,名叫王来福,他在清徐城关开办了一个“美和居”醋坊,又在白醋的基础上增加了熏醋工艺,大胆地改革、创新,“冬捞冰,夏伏晒”,终于创出了山西“老陈醋”名牌,使老陈醋一举名列中国四大名醋之首。作为醋的故乡,在民间至今有做酷的遗风。如果您到山西的乡村僻壤盛夏一游,你会发现,老乡们在烈日之下。放一口麻纸闷着的大缸,在用“老醯儿”(制醋的醴子)晒醋,而且醋缸需不断地搬动,因为醋缸要跟着“爷爷”(太阳)走。看到此情此景,过去山西“家家有醋缸,人人当醋匠”的场景定会跃然眼前。确实山西是制醋的大本营,现在全省有 100多家醋厂,著名的除清徐老陈醋之外,还有陵川玉泉老陈醋、壶关辛寨老陈醋、榆次南堡老陈醋。品种有老陈醋、名特醋、双醋、陈醋、特醋、晋醋、味醋、熏醋等。同一品种的醋,根据使用原料和生.产工艺的不同,又可分出各种各样的品种类别,真可谓琳琅满目,各具特色。人说山西好地方,地肥水美醋更香。山西人善制醋,是因为山西人爱吃醋,而山西人爱吃醋也真可称为全国之最,在山西民间有无醋不成味之说。

Shanxi and the vinegar has a deep friendship.The history of Shanxi vinegar to do about 3O00 years.Northern Wei Jia Sixie in his famous"Qi Min Yao Shu" in summing up the 22 vinegar France, it was verified that the brewing method is from Shanxi. The"make m of Health Law" is the"Shanxi Vinegar," the brewing method. To the early Qing Junji years, Jiexiu out a"vinegar immortal", named Wang Lai-fu, XU Chengguan he opened a"beauty and home," vinegar Square, again on the basis of white vinegar added vinegar process, boldly reform and innovation,"winter ice fishing, summer sun V," has finally hit the Shanxi"Vinegar" brand name, the old vinegar in one fell swoop ranked first in China's four famous vinegar.As vinegar's hometown, in the cool people so far to do legacy. If you to the village in Shanxi Pirang summer a tour, you will find that the villagers were under the hot sun.Put a hemp paper keep our noses to the vat, using the"old acyl children"(sweet wine vinegar a), vinegar, drying, and the need to keep moving Cugang because Cugang to follow the"grandpa"(sun) to go. To see a scene that, in the past Shanxi"Every family has its Cugang everyone when the vinegar maker" in front of the scene will be YR. Shanxi vinegar is indeed the headquarters of the province are now more than 100 Cu Chang, the famous Chu Qing Xu vinegar, there lingchuan Yuquan aged vinegar, huguan xinzhai aged vinegar, Yuci South Fort Vinegar. Variety of old and vinegar, vinegar, Montrose, double vinegar, vinegar, special vinegar, Shanxi vinegar, taste vinegar, smoked vinegar.Vinegar the same species, according to the use of raw materials and health. The different production processes, but also separation of a wide variety of species types has really dazzling with distinguishing features. People say that a good place in Shanxi Province, ground water and fertilizer America is more fragrant vinegar. Shanxi good vinegar, because Shanxi love jealous, but really may also known as Shanxi jealous love the most in the country, whether in the Shanxi vinegar is said not a flavor.


Shanxi jealous love of good brew, known as"old acyl children," said. Ancient tube called acyl vinegar to vinegar of people called"acyl" and the vinegar of sweet wine called"old XI."Therefore, the jealous jealous not known, but is called"candy." Because of the vinegar from Shanxi special contribution, combined with vinegar, such as Shanxi addicted to life, but also a coincidence that the"acyl" and Shanxi,"West" characters are homonyms, so outsiders would respectfully called Shanxi man-made"Shanxi old acyl" the."Old West children" on the contribution of vinegar should indeed be written about, because the role of vinegar is really too much.In addition to acetic acid in vinegar contains a lot of things, and contains calcium, iron, lactic acid, glycerol, amino acids and aldehydes. Vinegar is not only a tasty flavor can be the first or the human body fitness high quality goods. Regards the diet, it can dissolve the calcium and iron in food, so that the body easily absorbed, can also be used off the system radish, cabbage, garlic and other food. Medicine in health care, with vinegar, there is hair growth, beauty. Blood pressure, weight reduction of the effect. Qing Emperor Qianlong four years the country to the capital is too hospital doctors, for the treatment of leukemia and Gong Fei Yu Dan cooked up a fixed-kun", which is used by more than 20 Chinese herbal medicines are concocted with the old vinegar.


For thousands of years, people have found vinegar there are many wonderful uses, jealous indeed a good lifestyle. However, has another view on the jealous, this"vinegar," said the emergence from the Tang Dynasty.Emperor Taizong, who was named to the Minister Fang Xuanling concubinage, the Minister's wife interfered. Taizong frustration, only to make the Minister's wife and concubines in the drinking Venom choose one. Minister's wife does have a bit staunch, pick up the poisonous venom of the wine quaffed. When the minister's wife in tears, after drinking, they find the cup is the vinegar will never be left behind this"jealous" of the much-told story.Therefore, only the future generations,"frustrated" person as"proud" of the person to have"jealousy", this may be that Asians and Westerners of the"Oriental jealousy," are not unrelated.



-他有必要证明(说明),他当时阻止我们继续前进是对的。ser necesario+原形动词的情况下,句子主语与原形动词注意一致。

tener razón可以理解成“是正确的”。



ser necesario+ subjuntivo,当ser necesario的主语与andar的主语不一致,所以采用从句+虚拟式



resultado necesario指必然结果,


es necesario的主语与你要表达的主语一致时,接动词原形;




Llego el momento,这个时刻到来了

caen las murallas城墙倒下

va a comenzar就要开始了

laúnica justa战斗时刻即将到来

de la batallas.

No duele el golpe,感受不到疼痛

no existe el miedo也不存在恐惧

quítate el polvo,拍去身上的尘土

ponte de pie你要站起来再次投入比赛中

y vuelves al ruedo.

Y la presión你能感到压力

que sientes你的支持者在期待着你

espera en ti,

tu gente!

Ahora vamos por todo现在我们所有人都团结在一起

y te acompaña la suerte好运会伴随着你

samina mina Zangaléwa这就是要做的事!

porque esto esÁfrica.因为我们在非洲

Samina mina¡eh!¡eh!

waka waka¡eh!¡eh!

samina mina Zangaléwa

porque esto esÁfrica.

Oye tu dios y上帝能感知到你

no estarás solo你不会是一个人

llegas aquí你来到这里

para brillar为了发光荣耀而来

lo tienes todo.你拥有一切

La hora se acerca就要到来了

es el momento那个时刻就要到来了

vas a ganar

cada batalla你会赢得每场比赛

ya lo presiento.我可以预感到

Hay que empezar

de cero

para tocar

el cielo.


Ahora vamos por todo现在我们所有人团结在一起,

y todos vamos por ellos为了他们而团结

samina mina Zangaléwa这就是要做的事!

porque esto esÁfrica.因为我们在非洲



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